No water in Measure W (November 2, 2016)
The Town council has really pulled the wool over the eyes of a lot of residents here: Yet another letter writer (this time, John M. Farace) claims he is supporting the Town’s deceptive Measure W because he is concerned about water rates (Vote yes on Measure W,
Daily Press, November 2, 2016).
This cannot be emphasized enough: Measure W has nothing to do with water rates. Zero. The word water
doesn’t even appear in the text. Measure W is actually a blank check for the Town council to seek millions more in bonds without any additional voter input.
So if you are in favor of Measure W because of water rates, you are voting based on a lie that emanates from Town Hall.
Vote no on Measure W, and yes on Measure V.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.
Files related to Measure V
- 20150913 Commentary: Apple Valley water takeover plan: Know the full cost (Coupal)
- 20160621 Measure V
- 20160726 TOAV staff report on Measure V
- 20160831 Best supporters money can buy
- 20160831 Serious omission
- 20160831 Town paid more than $50K for ballot measure
- 20160904 Letter: Peter Allen supporting Measure V (Nassif)
- 20160906 Town business practices
- 20160908 Letter: Don’t waste your vote (Carloni)
- 20160911 Letter: Measure Waste (Carloni)
- 20160918 Our View: The right to vote on big projects
- 20160919 Support Measure V
- 20160923 Opinion: Measure V is for voting to ensure government is accountable (Mann)
- 20160924 Letter: Measure W (Piercy)
- 20160925 Opinion: Measure V respects Liberty Utilities customers’ rights (Sorensen)
- 20160929 Letter: Time to go (Varga)
- 20161002 Letter: Reject Measure W (Allan)
- 20161010 Letter: Truth about V and W (Bell)
- 20161011 Letter: The measure of a man (Varga)
- 20161018 Will Apple Valley become California’s Flint, MI?
- 20161020 Yes on Measure V (video)
- 20161023 Letter: Supports Measure V (Schappert)
- 20161025 Diving into the shallow waters of Measure W
- 20161102 Letter: Measure of a man (McCarthy)
- 20161102 No water in Measure W
- 20161103 More Measure W misdirection
- 20161103 No on W, Yes on V
- 20161105 Money flows like water
- 20161111 Letter: Diving into shallow ‘W’ater
- 20161111 Measure V garnered 2,319 more yes votes than Measure W
- 20161113 Tuesday’s election results
- 20161114 Measures V and W
- 20161115 Polls and votes
- 20161121 Voters show they want a say in water takeover issue (Hanson)