Commentary archive
- Town business practices
- Sewer Assessment District 98-1 (Lee)
- Don’t waste your vote (Carloni)
- Spending addiction? (Lee)
- Water surcharges
- Earth to Puckett!
- ‘Award-winning’ budgets
- MIA from the ‘Transparency Report’
- Personal attacks?
- Support Measure V
- Adelanto water rates
- Proposed questions for the Apple Valley Candidate Forum
- The misdirection conspiracy
- Curious claim
- Another CYA testimonial
- Defending Puckett (Carloni)
- Good Old Boys’ Club
- Public Records Request: ‘Standing offers’
- Public Records Request: ‘Records requests’
- Public Records Request: ‘Shills’
- Water won’t wash out red ink (Lee)
- Water system maintenance
- More falsehoods
- Public Records Request: ‘Documents supporting claims of rate reductions’
- To be, or not to be … transparent (Lee)