Sit down and settle (March 23, 2017)

I recently read about the similarities between the eminent domain suit Apple Valley is trying to push and the very expensive loss the very same law firm suffered badly in Claremont.

When we pay our taxes to a city or town, we certainly hope that the decisions that are made by senior staff and Council members will be sound and that their eyes are always on the budget.

The town’s leaders have taken their eyes off the ball. Runaway costs and bad decisions have been the norm at Town Hall. Now we are having a $222,000 special election that should have been placed on last year’s ballot for less than a quarter of the cost. The time has come to cut your losses and reach out to Liberty Utilities for a settlement that works for all parties. The voters sent a clear mandate in November and it is important for the staff and Council to follow that direction.

With all due respect, sit down at the same table and come up with a solution that is satisfactory to all parties. The Town of Apple Valley and Liberty Utilities both want to serve the people of Apple Valley. It’s time for all parties to act like grownups and put this year’s long nightmare behind us.

Kerry Henard, Apple Valley

Source: Daily Press

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