FEIR Section 8.1: Letter 7 — Part A (November 9, 2015)
- FEIR Cover, Title Page, ToC, Executive Summary, Section 1
- FEIR Section 2
- FEIR Sections 3 and 4
- FEIR Sections 5 through 7
- FEIR Sections 8.0 and 8.1: Letters 1 and 2
- FEIR Section 8.1: Letters 3 and 4
- FEIR Section 8.1: Letters 5 and 6
- FEIR Section 8.1: Letter 7 — Part A
- FEIR Section 8.1: Letter 7 — Part B
- FEIR Section 8.1: Letter 7 — Part C
- FEIR Section 8.2
- FEIR Appendix A: Amended IS
- FEIR Appendix A: NOP, Amended NOP
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 1
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 2
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 3
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 4
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 5
- FEIR Appendix A: Comment Letters Part 6
- FEIR Appendices B and C
Acquisition-related files
- 20150624 AVRWC System Acquisition Project: Notice of preparation
- 20150624 AVRWC System Acquisition Project: Initial Study
- 20150707 AVRWC System Acquisition Project: Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Meeting
- 20150707 Letter opposing tonight’s Scoping Report
- 20150707 About that ‘scoping meeting’ (Lee)
- 20160716 Amended Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Apple Valley Ranchos Water System Acquisition Project EIR Comment Period Time Extension and Additional Scoping Meeting Date
- 20150716 Apple Valley Ranchos Water System Acquisition Project: Amended Initial Study
- 20150803 Opposing the Amended Scoping Report
- 20150818 Opposing the Amended EIR Scoping Report
- 20150917 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Apple Valley Ranchos Water System Acquisition Project
- 20151101 Opposing the Draft EIR Report
- 20151109 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Apple Valley Ranchos Water System Acquisition Project
- 20151216 Petition for Writ of Mandate (Brogan)
- 20180224 Frivolous EIR (Carloni)
- 20180308 Liberty Utilities might challenge Apple Valley on fees
- 20180308 Compensation for all