Watch and listen to Apple Valley Mayor Pro Tem Barb Station say, Our intentions have been made very clear that we are going to present a special section for every penny that is spent [on eminent domain]… it’s your money … it’s our money.

Despite this statement being made during the Town Council meeting on June 9, 2015, city officials have yet to fully disclose how much taxpayer funds and staff resources have been spent pursuing the eminent domain of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley.

As of now, individuals opposed to the condemnation and takeover of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley have submitted Freedom of Information requests to verify eminent domain expenses of more than $900.000.


As part of the Town Council meeting on June 9, 2015 and in response to a question from the audience, Town Manager Frank Robinson said eminent domain expenses are captured in the proposed 2015-2016 budget.

Watch and listen to Apple Valley Assistant Town Manager Marc Puckett explain where the eminent domain expenses are accounted for in the 2015-2016 budget by saying, It’s [eminent domain expenses] accounted for now, as it has always been accounted for within the line items within the departments within the functions that are performed that are associated with the acquisition of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley.

The Assistant Town Manager goes on to say his staff is working on a supplement report that would distill these expenses for the public’s information.


As part of the Town Council meeting on June 9, 2015, local activist Leane Lee talks about the actual legal costs that Town incurred last year trying to condemn and takeover Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley.

Watch and listen to her pose the question, why is it so difficult… why can’t you tell the taxpaying public… in dollars and cents… what your estimate is for this year to spend on this subject matter [eminent domain of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley].


As part of the Town Council meeting on June 9, 2015, the Town Council discussed the proposed 2015-2016 budget and a budget surplus from the previous year.

Watch and listen to Apple Valley Town Councilman Scott Nassif say, budget surpluses are a good thing.

The comment was made in response to a statement made earlier from Mayor Larry Cusack about the Town having a budget surplus of $211,000 that will help increase the Town’s reserve fund rather than be used to reduce the overall budget deficit of $12 million, pay down the Town’s long-term debt or help lower the taxes burden of local residents.


On June 10, 2014, the Apple Valley Town Council unanimously voted to approve a $3.24 increase (11.5%) to local sewer fees.

Watch and listen to how the Town Council approves this rate increase without any debate or discussion. This rate increase also comes after the Town Council unanimously approved a $3.73 increase to local sewer fees in the previous year.


On March 12, 2013, the Apple Valley Town Council unanimously voted to approve a $3.73 increase (15.25%) to local sewer fees without any debate or discussion.

Watch and listen to Apple Valley Mayor Pro Tem Barb Station say, as a politician, if someone is not mad at you, you are doing your job… they [rate increases] are tough decisions… small and large… they are tough decisions... we feel your pain.


Watch and listen to Apple Valley Town Council’s outside, independent consultant tell the Blue Water Committee on April 23, 2011 that Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley is not guaranteed a 9.14% profit as many local officials have stated in the past and continue to say today.

The consultant with Bartle and Wells clearly states, if you look at… the money they earned in profit, I am going to agree with them… they [Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley] are not guaranteed a profit… only given an opportunity to earn a profit with revenue and rates approved by the Commission.

Eminent domain mailer

The Apple Valley Town Government wants to take over Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley. Open and read more about the reason why it’s a bad idea to use eminent domain to take over a reliable, stable and local business like Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley.

If Apple Valley’s Town Government Votes to Use Eminent Domain AD

Learn more about will happen if Apple Valley’s Town Government votes to use eminent domain to take over Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley. It’s time to say no to higher taxes, big government and millions more in spending.

wHY i am opposing tHe TAKEOVER aD

I am opposed to government taking over any private business. The Town Government will not be able to deliver water any cheaper than Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley, and they will not be able to lower rates. That’s why I say No to a Government Takeover.

— Richard Rorex
Retiree, Community Volunteer
Apple Valley Resident

Transparency Report Ad

The Town government’s Transparency Report should be a shock to any taxpayer and raises more questions than it answers. This reckless spending only reinforces the widely held view that a takeover by the town will result in higher rates, higher taxes and fees for all citizens.

eminent domain ad #1

The Apple Valley Town Government keeps on spending your tax dollars! Open and read how you can help stop the Apple Valley Town Government’s attempted takeover of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley.


The Apple Valley Town Government’s attempted takeover of Liberty Utilities, Apple Valley has the Town Council,its lawyers and the Town staff running fast and loose with your tax dollars.