Read the complete survey (July 31, 2015)

APPLE VALLEY — A detailed analysis of a recent scientific poll of Apple Valley Ranchos ratepayers showing growing support for Town acquisition of the water system is available for public viewing on the website.

The report by True North Research Inc. shows 7 out of 10 ratepayers supporting acquisition, with 53 percent saying they definitely support the idea. The results also show the percentage of ratepayers with an unfavorable opinion of AVR (37 percent) now more than double those with a favorable opinion (18 percent).

The complete results, which you can read here, represent steady and significant gains from similar polling in August 2014.

Encinitas-based True North is a highly respected independent research firm that has a clear track record of conducting neutral, unbiased, and accurate opinion research studies for public agencies throughout California — more than 900 to date.

Said Timothy McLarney, True North President: The poll was balanced, presenting both sides of the debate — and the results were unequivocal: AVR rate payers generally have an unfavorable opinion of AVR, and they support the Town acquiring the water system. They are especially concerned about their water being controlled by foreign interests.

The survey was administered by telephone to 400 randomly selected registered voters who reside within the AVR service area. The average interview lasted 16 minutes, and asked respondents to weigh in before and after the arguments of both sides. Even after the negative arguments AVR has been using were posed to respondents, only 19 percent of respondents opposed acquisition, with 11 percent unsure or unwilling to share their position.

The complete results are available here and at